How to Tell Your Job That You Have COVID

How to Break the News That You Have COVID
None of us want to catch the coronavirus, but with 10,000,000 cases in the U.S. and nearly a quarter-million deaths, it’s harder to avoid than we would hope.
If you come down with the coronavirus, there are now a ton of things plaguing your mind; one of which being how you are going to tell your boss. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that there is a protocol now for what you are SUPPOSED to do in this situation.
Follow this simple list of steps on what you should do next, and then focus on getting better.
Stop Going to Work
This should be self-explanatory, but we cannot stress just how important this step is. If you have COVID, you cannot go into work until you are either asymptomatic, or you no longer have the virus.
Call or email your boss immediately to tell them that you have virus and that you cannot go into work.
What to Say in Your Message
Your message to your boss should be short and sweet. First, explain that you either tested positive or that you are showing symptoms of the coronavirus and that you should not go into work as a result.
Explain how you are feeling and whether or not you are showing symptoms. If you are showing symptoms, tell your boss when you started experiencing them. If you started feeling sick while at work, your boss may need to figure out who you might have come into contact with, and who else should be tested.
Conclude the message by explaining that you have plans to get tested again and that your boss can call or message you if they have other questions.
Basically, for your message, you want to accomplish the following:
- Explain that you have COVID
- Say when you started showing symptoms
- Say who, if anyone, you came into contact with while sick
- Say you are available to talk
- Explain that you have plans to get tested again
Check Your Company’s Policy
Next, you need to look into your company’s policy for sick leave. Remember, you may be out of work for a full two weeks so this is now massively important. Read over the policy and speak with your company’s HR rep if you have any questions.
Monitor Your Symptoms and Give Your Boss Updates
If you are not showing any symptoms, there is a huge chance that you are no longer contagious and can return to work. At the very least this can that you are ready to go in for your second test.
If your health is deteriorating, you need to let your boss know that you may be out of work for longer than expected. If your health is improving, let your boss know so that they can prepare for your return.
With everything, make sure you talk with a medical professional about your symptoms and the possibility of you returning to work.
Talk About Working Remotely
The two most important things that you need to do while at home are resting up and pushing fluids. However, if you are feeling up to working, talk to your boss about doing some work from home. This will keep them happy while also keeping you active and productive.
Originally published at